FAMCO INSTRUMENTS offers Calibration Services in Pakistan in the following parameters:
• Mass and Balance Calibration
• Pressure Calibration
• Temperature Calibration
• Dimensional Calibration
• Other Laboratory Equipment Calibration
Mass and Balance Calibration

Inaccurate scales & measurement equipment can cost you money, time, and quality. Therefore, regular calibration is important. You can reduce the risk of overloading, under loading, or mixing improper proportions by ensuring the accuracy of your equipment.
Calibration is performed by internationally trained and experienced technicians, with OIML certified test weights, and must be OIML traceable to be valid.
Our experienced technicians service equipment ranging from heavy duty, industrial scales in harsh environments to high precision lab balances in controlled environments.
Each calibration performed includes a certificate, along with an “as found”, “as left” weight or measurement.

Calibration of Pressure gauges and associated instruments need to be periodically calibrated as per the international or national standard to ensure the safety and quality of equipment or the application for which it is to be used. Our services in pressure calibration include pressure gauge calibration, pressure indicator calibration, manometer calibration, vacuum gauge calibration, pressure transducer calibration, pressure transmitter calibration etc.
Our highly trained calibration technicians and engineers perform calibration for pressure instruments by using high quality master calibrator / reference standards and other calibration equipment and accessories manufactured by Additel, WIKA and other branded manufacturers to ensure that calibration results are authentic and reliable.
Calibration Capabilities:
• Pressure Gauge
• Pressure Indicator
• Vacuum Gauge
• Test Gauge
• Compound Gauge
• Manometer
• Pressure Relief Valve
• Pressure Transducer
• Vacuum Transducer
• Pressure Transmitter
• Deadweight tester
• Pneumatic / Hydraulic Calibrators
We at FAMCO INSTRUMENTS deliver calibration for temperature devices such as thermometers, temperature indicators, probes, ovens, freezers, chillers etc to an international or national standard to ensure premium quality of temperature calibration and customer satisfaction. In order to meet your custom needs, we offer precise and accurate calibration solutions with authentic calibration certificates for your temperature devices.
Technical Calibration Laboratory has detailed documented calibration procedures for temperature devices and instruments for each make and model of device to ensure that the calibration and testing is done according to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and international calibration standards.
FAMCO INSTRUMENTS is registered with DAC (Dubai Accreditation Center) to meet IS0 17025. FAMCO INSTRUMENTS performs temperature calibration, traceable through DCL, NPL, PTB, NIST or other international / national standards.
Calibration Capabilities:
• Digital Thermometers
• Dial Thermometers
• Glass Thermometers
• Infrared Thermometers
• Temperature Controller / indicators
• RTD’s, T/C’s (Thermocouples)
• Drying Ovens
• Freezers, Chillers
• Temperature Sensors
• Thermo Hydrometers


an authorized calibration and service center for Snap-on Torque tools. FAMCO INSTRUMENTS has a well-developed facility for calibration of torque tools such as Torque Wrenches, Torque Meter, Torque Screwdriver, Torque Spanner, Torque Transducer etc.
FAMCO INSTRUMENTS performs calibration for torque tools and instruments by using supreme quality master calibrator / reference standards manufactured by Snap-on International to ensure that calibration results are perfectly accurate. In addition to this, we have a complete documented system and procedure to calibrate torque tools, according to the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and the torque calibration is traceable to DCL, NPL, PTB, NIST or other international / national standards.
We understand that the varying needs of our customers and changing industry trends, therefore we offer calibration services that are up to the international and national quality and calibration standards. At FAMCO INSTRUMENTS, calibration for torque tools is performed by well-trained calibration technicians and engineers to produce highly accurate calibration results and generate comprehensive calibration certificates / reports – a perfect package to fulfill our customer calibration requirements.
Calibration Capabilities:
• Torque Wrenches
• Preset Torque Wrench
• Torque Screwdriver
• Torque Spanners
• Torque Transducer
• Torque Tester
• Torque Indicator
• Pneumatic/Hydraulic Wrenches
FAMCO INSTRUMENTS performs calibration and testing on wide range of electrical instruments. Our state-of-art electrical calibration laboratory is designed to cater all your calibration needs for electrical instruments such as Multimeter, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Clamp meter, Insulation tester etc. We offer reliable and accurate calibration results with authentic calibration certificates for your electrical instruments.
FAMCO INSTRUMENTS is registered with DAC (Dubai Accreditation Center) to meet IS0 17025. FAMCO INSTRUMENTS performs electrical calibration which is traceable through DCL, NPL, PTB, NIST or other international/ national standards institutes to the International Systems of Units (SI) or to accepted intrinsic standards of measurement.
FAMCO INSTRUMENTS delivers calibration for electrical instruments by using high quality master calibrator / reference standards and other calibration equipment and accessories manufactured by Fluke and other branded manufacturers to ensure that calibration results are authentic and accurate.
Our highly trained technicians and engineers offer custom calibration solutions, tailored to the precise needs of customers and follow the latest industry trends. At FAMCO INSTRUMENTS, we ensure that calibration on electrical instruments meets both the international standards and customer requirements.
Technical Calibration Lab has specific documented calibration procedures for electrical equipment and instruments that are followed for each make and model of instrument to ensure that the calibration and testing is performed according to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and international calibration standards.
Calibration Capabilities:
• Multimeter Analogue and Digital
• Voltmeter Analogue and Digital
• Ammeter Analogue and Digital
• Clamp meter
• Insulation Testers
• Decade Resistance Box
• DC power supply units
• High voltage test Equipments
• Thermocouple / RTD Calibrators


Calibration Experts at FAMCO INSTRUMENTS offer you dimension calibration solutions for a wide range of dimensional tools such as vernire calipers and digital calipers, inside and outside micrometers, gauges, crimping tools etc.
We understand our customers’ diverse needs for dimensional tools calibration. Therefore, we offer calibration services that are at par with the international and national standards, in order to satisfy our valuable customers in best possible way.
At FAMCO INSTRUMENTS, we use high quality master calibrator / reference standards and other calibration equipment and accessories made by world leading manufacturers to ensure the precision and accuracy of calibration service.
Our engineers follow international or national calibration standards for dimension instruments calibration which can be traceable to DCL, NPL, PTB, NIST etc. FAMCO INSTRUMENTS is registered with DAC (Dubai Accreditation) – Dubai Municipality to meet ISO 17025 quality and calibration standards in order to deliver equipment calibration services for dimension instruments.
Technical Calibration Lab has specific documented calibration procedures for dimension instruments that are practiced for each make and model of tool to make sure that the calibration is performed according to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and international calibration standards.
Calibration Capabilities:
• Vernire Caliper & Digital Vernire Caliper
• Inside and Outside Micrometers
• Dial Indicators
• Thickness Gauges
• Height Gauges
• Depth Gauges
• Depth Micrometer
• Crimping Tools